3 Strategies For Working With Your Opposite

3 Strategies For Working With Your Opposite

They say opposites attract. But how do they stay connected?

As an intern working for my now business partner, Corey Jamison, I had a front row seat to a leader who was (and is) very (VERY) different from me. We are often at different ends of a spectrum when it comes to … well, everything. Work styles, communication patterns, love of pets (or not) and so on. When we first started working together, I thought I needed to become more like her: more exciting, more fun, more energetic, more spontaneous. I realized quickly that was never going to happen. Our differences as human beings, leaders, team members - are just too vast. An attempt to model myself after the leader I worked for just wasn’t going to happen.

And, fortunately, she knew that too.

Own Your Privilege

Being a well-intentioned person is important, but it’s only the beginning. It’s the foundation- the price of entry into a complex conversation about people, differences, culture and historical context.  

We are living in a country where racism and misogyny is evident everyday.  And where there’s racism, there’s violence against people of color.  Where there’s misogyny, there’s violence against women and girls.