The Myth of Leadership Style

Leadership Style is a Myth.

The problem with developing and honing a leadership style is that it assumes that being a great leader is about… the leader.  And while there’s some base realism to that, the greater truth is that leadership style- at its best- is adaptive.

How you lead, the economics and quality of how you interact with people trusted to your care is best adapted and modified according to what people need from you at a given moment in time.  You are called to lead by those who would follow you, not by your own accord. Like the tree in the woods thing, if no one is following you, you’re not a leader, you’re an individual contributor (at best, but also possibly an ass).  How you lead, and how you show up for people is in anticipation and compassionate, clear response to their hopes, needs, worries, and aspirations.  You are called to lead them according to what they need from you to do their best work, to make their most impactful contribution. You are called to lead as people need you to lead, not as you prefer to.  

It’s not about you, it’s about them and your service to them.

What do people need from you right now?  How are you called to lead? Have you asked?