Now is the Time to Talk. And Listen.

A client asked me today, “how much is too much internal communication from our CEO?”

You know what I’m about to say.

As a leader, talk as much, and only as much, as you’re listening.  That way, your words are relevant to people, speak directly to what they need to hear, rather than to what you need to say.

Your listening, then talking will be most impactful if it includes these core elements:

  • Share your most important values and beliefs, and how they inform your leadership of your organization and its people during these turbulent times.

  • Listen to what constitutes “good” and fuels people’s optimism, then share a compelling and optimistic vision of the future wherever that starts.  

  • Ask people what they need to cope and manage successfully right now, then enthusiastically share the actions you’re taking to respond to those needs and the outcomes you’re confident they will render.  

  • Thank people from the literal bottom of your heart-  that place where you keep your reserves of authenticity, vulnerability and warmth.  Let those parts of you as a human and a leader bring comfort to people right now.  

They need it, and they need you.